Monday, January 9, 2012


 Apa nak cakap ea.. Just nak post suka suki boleh tak.. Rasa macam nak luahkan apa yg terpendam pun ada.. Tapi,Kalaulah boleh luahkan...
Lately,saya rasa takde mood sangat2.. haha..normal la bagi perempuan.. YES... memang saya ada problem..tapi,saya tak boleh dan tak tahu macam mana nak cerita problem itu.. So, better la pendam kan.. macam lagu Shahir..Pendam..hihi.. tapi, takde kena ngena dgn lagu tu.. hehe.. em, aku tak suka nak kecoh2 kat orang kalau ada problem.. nanti aku plk yg susah kalau org tu jenis tak pandai jaga mulut.. like my friend said 

" so, if people do betray ourselves, check ourselves first, maybe we did something wrong. or maybe it is a challenge from Allah."  

From my friend's words we can conclude that, don't point our fingers to our friends if they do betray us because maybe we have wrongly choose to tell her about something that we should not tell anybody including persons that we trust the most.. So, the moral of the story is just trust yourself and don't think to say something that we do not want others to know.. it is better to let them be questioned about what is going on with us or what is happening to us.. just let them be or you might put the blame on them with your carelessness.. Last words from me... if you may have something to say,just say it to ALLAH.. He is the best Man to be trusted with... Thus, He also can help you to less your burden and make your heart feel much better.. Subhanallah.. wassalam..

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