Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Knife..

Recently, my life is very gloomy.. i don't even know why.. what i can say is i'm not enjoying my life these days..
please,,somebody can help cheering up my day?? let me see the brighter part in my life and put away the dark..

" Give me some sunshine, Give me some rain, Give me another chance, I wanna grow up once again.."

I need support.......erm, tp klu x ikhlas x pyh la... haha.. saya mcm dah sasau sikit akhir2 ni.. 

" Knife
Cuts like a knife
How will I ever heal
I’m so deeply wounded
You cut away the heart of my life

When I pretend
Wear a smile to fool my dearest friends
I wonder if they know
It’s just a show
 I’ve tried to try
Blocking out the pain I feel inside "

Whatever it is I hope that you are enjoying your life.. don't be like me ok... if you have something that you are not really ok with just pretend you have nothing to do with it..Then, you will be okay... So, you can excitedly enjoy your moment ever... daaaa.... assalamualaikum.. 

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