Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Name

Salam w.b.t and Hello there..

Today I'm really interested to say something about names. Names. Everyone has one. People may think this is a simple thing to think about. But, after this they may realize what name is all about. Name is something that is really important for every single thing in this world. Even animals have a name.

Every person or thing carries a name which suits with themselves. Emmmm,, [ I think so.. hehe].. Honestly, I began to wonder what exactly is a name. Is it something abstract or what.? We cannot touch, or even feel it. But, we can see the name. Nahh, not exactly that kind of name but the letter of the name. You get what i mean? [ i hope so].. 

So, What is meant by name? Name is a sequence of one or more characters that uniquely identifies something such as file, account or other entity. Without name I cannot imagine how we could manage our life. All things must have a name. Then, it is easy for us to call it whenever we need it. Do you want people call you with unpleasant name such as "HEY" or "WOI".? Even animals do not like it.

Names play an important role in our life. It acts as introduction in building a new relationship with new friend. Of course when you meet a new friend they might ask your name first right? i don't think they will ask weird question such as " What is your favourite singer?" in your first meeting right?
i'm proud with my name!!

On the other hand, names also show to others who are you. What i mean here is when people who knows you  mentioning your name to others, they may imagine your character from their sight. Thus, if you do something good or bad. People might mention your name first. 

That's why names exist in this world. Names is everything. Names is our pride. As it express who we are. Therefore, to get a good name, be a good person. Thus, you life would become good also. 



  1. hoho my name is khalida . . . nice to know you

  2. nice to know you to khalida najwa.. nice name of yours..

  3. hahhaa.... you give me inspirasi bai... i will post like that but i'am not copying what you say....
