Saturday, August 5, 2023

3 cents

 Almost 3 months i've been living with new housemates. The first one was the most chaotic one which leading me to ask her to move out myself. I told her to find other room within 2 weeks. Wah. I really cannot tahan with her. She's very young & i cannot keep up with her phase. We are 10 years in gap. Which is same as my fourth sister. I dont want to story too details about her. But what i can say is. Nobody like me can live with person like her. She made me having high blood pressure. No kidding. Everyday coming back to home from work was stressful & made feel like crazy and even worse to handle her common sense. No common sense one. Now she moved out already, very Peaceful.

Now comes to another housemate. Which is my 2nd new housemate. At first she's quite good. She follows all the rules i've set. I told her. I really hate mess. Especially in the kitchen, toilet (even we are not sharing the toilet) & also the living hall. I am strictly telling her to straight away throwing out her smelly & wet waste & rubbish at outside rubbish compartment in front of our house. Not so difficult la to do that. Only open the door & you can throw easily. Just wrap your head with towel will do. No need to properly wear your hijab leh. What i want to say is. It's very easy & simple one to throw the rubbish outside. Not so complicated. Yeah i can see she's very consistent to do that until this week. I've catch her done what i hate twice & i really cannot tahan till i have to tell her. So yesterday she texted me something & without wasting time i told her my concerns.

Basically if you want to live with me. There are few rules you must comply. 

First & the the most important rule is you must always keep the house CLEAN especially the common area that we share together, the kitchen, the hall. I dont mind if your room is a mess. Not my problem. But the sharing area is a must to always keep it clean. Especially the smelly & wet rubbish. I totally cannot handle bad smell that comes from other people waste. Because i have the kind of "penyakit". Aku ni sangattt penggelii. Sangattttt. So really cannot handle that.

2nd rule is no loud noise allowed. Hmmm. Especially during the night on weekdays. If you do that. Then you will be in a very big trouble. I hate noise! Especially when i am super tired. 😵

3rd rule. Never share & touch my stuff. I hate sharing. I dont allow people to use my things and i would not use other people things or space. Unless you're my loved ones (under some cicumtances i even hate when my family using my stuff). So if you are nobody to me. You should know your place.

4th rule. MYOB. Minding your own business would be great pleasure to me. Because i dont like people to be good & wanting to know about my personal life. You deal with your life. I deal with mine. I hate those that are always very kepochi about my personal matter. I dont judge your life. So you should ignore mine too. My life is not that special. I am just a nobody that lives with some other nobodies in this world. I live as what i want my life to be. You think i am bad? Not my problem. You think i'm arrogant. Yeah im glad you think like that. Because im tired already to deal with new people. I just want to live & take care of my current small circle. Just happy with them already & need no more.

Lastly this is a bit weird. But i have this perangai that i dont like to take food from those that are not close to me. I like it when my mom, my sister Cook for me. But i cannot accept if somebody i just get to know always offering me food. It makes me feel super annoying. But at the same time i also hate to reject their offer. So i hope nobody especially stranger dont offer me any kind of food. I hate it so much. Hahaha. In my current case. That person kept on offering me food & i've been constantly rejecting her food. I felt bad about rejecting it, seriously but i really was not comfortable with it. Next time if she offers food again. I want to tell her my thought, but i think she can read my mind already.🤔 I never receive food since then & i feel super good haha. Kbye


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