Thursday, January 12, 2023


 To be honest lately ni aku rasa demotivated sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat. Berjuta kali "sangat" pun tak boleh capture perasaan demotivated yang aku rasa sekarang.

Rasa apa kita buat tak dihargai. How to say.

Aku rasa macam ni actually mainly sebab kerja. Kat office aku sekarang kekurangan staff. Dan aku terpaksa cover kerja staff yang dah resign. 

Sumpah penat! Bertambah penat bila boss kau tak nampak kerja kau dah overload sebenarnya. Paling sakit hati bila dia push nak kejar dateline tanpa dia sedar aku ni ada 2 tangan je! Mana nak settle semua dengan kadar segera! Penatttt.

Actually ni bukan first time aku rasa macam ni. Tapi, kali ni adalah yang paling heavy! Balik rumah je aku down. Tidur tak payah cakap la. Lepas Isyak dah tak mampu nak buat apa2 dah.

Mungkin dah sampai masa kott aku pindah haluan aku. Too long dah aku stay kat Company ni. Almost 8 years dah. 

Should i stay loyal or find another better opportunity?

Kadang-kadang aku wonder. Kenapa susah sangat aku move to another place. I had some thoughts. But i think bukan sebab attachment or whatever. Tapi sebab aku sendiri yang rasa belum cukup knowledge aku belajar from current workplace ni. 

Seriously, i learn a lot here. Working here now not so fun to compare from those days when we had some fun colleagues. Now, it's more like 'just colleague' with my colleague. Last time, we were so called 'family'. But now, all those People are gone. Only left me still hang in with the same bosses.

But, it still great though. The remuneration also quite good but i still think i deserve more 😜

Enough for now. 

Last but not least, i just want to share a quote i got on the radio, i listened to IKIM fm. Kalau sesiapa selalu dengar radio ni dia akan kenal Mona Jasman yang pandai cakap Arabic tu. I heard the quote from her and the quote stuck on my mind till now. Haha. She said "What you do, will come back to you" 

Okay bye!